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 Geoff si Catherine Cooper – 3 si 10 International(1&2 Int.femele!!!) St.Vincent(853km) din 10.737 porumbei !!!





Familia Cooper este destul de bine cunoscuta in randul columbofililor romani, in special in randul iubitorilor de fond si maraton. Geoff si Catherine se situeaza de mult timp in topul maratonistilor europeni,detinand la ora actuala o linie extrem de stabila de porumbei, pornita deja de la legendarul Farm Boy, o linie de porumbei calita in zborurile dure de peste Canalul Manecii. Un aspect extrem de important si de netrecut cu vederea: in cadrul zborurilor internationale de fond si maraton, porumbeii Cooper, trebuie sa zboare si peste Canalul Manecii!!!

Pozitivitatea cu care Geoff si Catherine isi traiesc viata, si dragostea lor nemarginita fata de tot ceea ce inseamna natura, i-a indreptat pe acestia incet dar sigur catre rezultate exceptionale, probabil de neimaginat pentru multi columbofili englezi. Familia Cooper poate fi asezata prin prisma rezultatelor obtinute, pe acelasi nivel cu prietenul lor apropiat Mark Gilbert.


Sezonul 2015 a fost unul excelent pentru familia Cooper, cu rezultate de top atat in cadrul zborurilor de demifond cat si in cadrul celor nationale de fond. Apogeul sezonului a fost totusi zborul international de la St.Vincent unde cei doi au clasat primii doi porumbei sositi, doua femele, pe locurile 3 si 10 international St.Vincent din 10.737 porumbei. Femelele au fost de altfel si primele sosite la nivel international, sosind acasa la 12 minute una de cealalta de la o distanta de 853 km !!! Acestea au fost botezate dupa cei mai “noi” membrii ai familiei Cooper, nepotelele Evie si Ivy :)  Amandoua sunt nepoate din Farmer George(17 int Dax din 17.526 porumbei), baza coloniei si printre altii tatal lui Farmer George – 1 international Bordeaux 2011 cu 45 de minute avans fata de locul 2, din 10.611 porumbei !!!Locul 2 international a fost ocupat tot de familia Cooper prin Shiraz.



* Farm Evie – 3 international(1 int femele) St.Vincent din 10.737 porumbei

– femela a parcurs distanta de 853 km cu o viteza medie de 1084 mpm, fiind cronometrata in aceeasi zi la ora 20:02:55


* Farmer Ivy – 10 international(2 int femele) St.Vincent din 10.737 porumbei

– femela a parcurs distanta de 853 km cu o viteza medie de 1054 mpm, fiind cronometrata la ora 20:14:17.








Sezonul concursurilor internaționale 2011 a început cu o performanță excepțională a unui porumbel britanic, loc 1 internațional la concursul cu lansare de la Pau. Mulți experți spuneau atunci că acest rezultat nu este doar o întâmplare, ci este o dovadă clară a valorii extraordinare a porumbeilor britanici. Iată că nu s-au înșelat.

Au trecut doar două săptămâni de la acel concurs și un tandem britanic obține un nou loc 1 Internațional la concursul de Bordeaux. De data asta este vorba tandemul Geoff & Catherine Cooper, din Peasedown St John.

Să-l ascultăm pe Geoff, prezentându-se pe website-ul personal, “Concurez porumbeii la Peasedown St John de când aveam 13 ani, și concurez în cursele Naționale și Clasice de la vârsta de 20 de ani. Am creat o familie de păsări care câștigă de la 45 la 650 mile, excelente păsări ”generale”, care înving în curse rapide și înving și în concursuri grele, cu viteze mici. Joc în principal masculii văduvi, ajutat de soția mea, Catherine. Familia mea de porumbei este așa de plină de succes încât a reprodus mai mulți învingători ai zborurilor clasice și naționale decât orice altă familie de porumbei din UK. 9 din primii 15 porumbei sosiți de la Tarbes în 2010 sunt descendenți ai acestei familii.”

Porumbelul campion este numit Farmer George, un mascul văduv de doi ani. Familia Cooper savura un vin roșu în grădina proprie, când acest super porumbel a aterizat pe acoperi;ul crescătoriei și a intrat grăbit înăuntru pentru a-și vedea femela. Farmer George mai are încă 3 zboruri naționale cu clasări remarcabile, dintre care un superb loc 3 Național de la Tours (490km) pe 11.06.2011, aceasta fiind ultima lui cursă pregătitoare înaintea concursului de Bordeaux.

De fapt, porumbeii au fost lansați de la Villeneuve-Agen (cu 26 km mai mult decât locația prevăzută inițial), la ora 5.45am. Numărul de păsări lansate a fost 22.029 porumbei, dintre care: Belgia 11.170, Olanda 8.577, Germania 1.636 și Marea Britanie 646. Farmer George a câștigat concursul cu viteza de 1159 m/min și cu un avans de 45 de minute față de următorul clasat !! De asemenea, este absolut remarcabil faptul că familia Cooper a pontat o a doua pasăre, femela Shiraz, pentru a obține și locul 5 Internațional !

Într-adevăr, porumbeii englezilor sunt extraordinari, o demonstrează primele poziții ale clasamentului bazat pe anunțuri telefonice. Sosiriea lui Farmer George a fost urmată o adevărată cavalcadă de sosiri ale altor porumbei britanici, aceștia ocupând locuri fruntașe în clasamentul internațional.

Un foarte cunoscut columbofil englez, Mark Gilbert, din Windsor, a obținut locul 1 Internațional yealingi cu o superbă femelă albastră.

Vă invităm să studiați sosirile acestor super porumbei britanici care și-au demonstrat încă o dată valoarea la nivel internațional:
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Geoff og Catherine Cooper, England

International vinder Pau 2013:

“Wollongong” – International vinder fra Pau 2013
Slaget hos Geoff og Catherine Cooper

Geoff og Catherine Cooper vinder
1st International Pau 2013

Tekst: Carwyn Harris

Oversat og redigeret: Poul Stærkær

Der er rullende bakker i Somerset landskabet, og desuden er landskabet kendt for at have flotte hegn ud til vejen – og marker med gode afgrøder. Ja dette er med rette betegnet som et af de  mest idylliske steder i England. Og her flyver de også med brevduer – og deltager endda i de internationale konkurrencer, hvor duerne skal flyve over kanalen. Det er om aftenen fredag ​​den 14. Juni 2013, hvor en kendt opdrætter får tilføjet endnu en vindertitel på en international kapflyvning. De stolte vindere af den internationale sejr er  Geoff og Catherine Cooper fra Peasedown St John. Endnu mere specielt bliver sejren også fordi Cooper familien stemplede endnu 2 duer samme aften, som placerer sig som henholdsvis nr. 8 og nr. 16 i den internationale konkurrence. Næste dag stempler de endnu 3 duer – og dermed får de 6 duer placeret i toppen ud af 8 deltagende duer. Det er jo brevduesport når det er bedst.

Da Geoff og Catherine hørte, at deres team af otte deltagende duer var løsladt i Pau i Frankring kl. 05.45 – så forudsagde de at der skulle stemples due onkring kl. 17:15 – hvis de skulle være med i toppen. Og ganske rigtig! Med en stempling kl. 17.12 kunne deres forudsigelser næsten ikke være bedre.

Den sejrende due er hunnen “Wollongong” – og nu kan ejerne kalde sig dobbelte internationale vindere, hvilket ikke kendetegner ret mange andre opdrættere. Wollongon vandt flyvningen med en margin på 30 minutter til nr. 2 på den internationale resultatliste. Og deres tidligere internationale vinder “Farmer George” var over en time foran den næste due, da han vandt den internationale kapflyvning fra Bordeaux. Disse duer vil ikke bare vinde, de vil vinde med stor margin!

Stamtavle for Wollongong:

Stamtavlen for Wollongong. Faderen af Euro Diamond linien fra Brockamp – og moderen af Emiel linien fra Emil Deweerdt.


Denne sejr er blot den seneste i en lang liste af sejre, som Coopers har vundet i national og international brevduesporten. Geoff og Catherines forelskelse i sådanne begivenheder blev skabt helt tilbage i 1976, da de blev nr. 1 i deres sektion og nr. 2 open British Barcelona Club fra Palamos i det nordlige Spanien, en kapflyvning på 701 miles (1128 km) til deres slag. Her følger en meget lille oversigt over slagets resultater på nationalt niveau. Der er ikke medtaget resultater på provinsniveau – men i 2012 alene havde de 6 provinsvindere!!:

National Flying Club
9th Open Guernsey
5th, 6th, 6th, 8th, 15th Open Nantes
7th Open Bordeaux
3rd, 7th 9th, 11th, 12th Open Pau
3rd, 5th, 7th, 12th, 16th, 20th, 48th, 58th, 104th Open Dax
3rd, 7th, 9th, 13th, 15th, 26th, 65th, 103rd Open Saintes
1st Open Tarbes
12th international Dax

British Barcelona Club
2nd Open Sennen Cove
2nd Open Rennes
6th Open Lamballe
2nd, 2nd, 10th Open Nantes
2nd, 6th Open Palamos
British International Championship Club
1st National Falaise (2005)
1st National Falaise (2008)
1st, 2nd, 3rd Guernsey National
2nd Pau National, 350th International
2nd, 2nd Perpignan National
86th International Perpignan (at seven years old)
1st International Agen (Bordeaux)
1st International Pau

Central Southern Classic
19th Open Ramsgate
4th, 6th Open Bergerac
5th, 6th Open Guernsey
6th, 9th Open Rennes
1st, 2nd, 2nd, 5th, 6th, 10th Open Nantes
2nd, 5th, 7th Open Saintes
4th Open Bergerac
6th, 10th Open Pau

Slagets opbygning af brevduestammer
Brevduebestanden hos familien Cooper kan føres tilbage til de duer, som i 1976 var med til at opnå det flotte resultat fra Palamos. Og så i 1980 begyndte Geoff og Catherine at indføre duer fraDeweerdt familien i Kortemark , Belgien. Her blev importeret duer direkte fra Deweerdts absolut bedste duer – såsom Emiel, der vandt 1. International Bordeaux, Magnus, Sylvester og IBan. Afkom af disse duer blev bragt til Somerset med enestående succes. Linierne fra Emiel kan findes i næsten alle Coopers champion duer. Nyere introduktioner kommer fra Brian Sheppard, der var international Dax vinder. Herfra kommer en søn fra den internationale vinder Legend. Desuden er der på slaget duer fra endnu en dobbelt international vinder – nemlig Mark Gilbert i form af en datter af Southfield Supreme, der var international vinder. Som det kan ses af stamtavlen på Wollongong er der også importeret duer fra Hans og Peter Brockamp af linierne Euro Diamond og Marseille King. Med disse stammer har Cooper familien været i stand til at skabe en stamme duer, som har været i stand til at krydse kanalen mange gange med topresultater. Meget ofte når duerne flyver over kanalen – så må de klare dårligt vejr og kraftige sidevinde. Og denne stamme duer har altså været i stand til ikke bare at krydse kanalen, som kan være en meget stor forhindring, men disse duer går også den direkte vej med retning mod England – således at de bryder ud af flokkene, som ellers er meget større når de kommer fra Frankring med retning mod Holland, Belgien og Tyskland. Hertil kræves helt specielle duer, som har en indavlet evne til netop at finde den direkte vej hjem – også over en stor strækning på 200 km med vand. Denne evne har Cooper duerne – noget som er sjældent i dagens brevduesport – og selvfølgelig en værdifuld egenskab for en brevdue, som skal vinde topresultater.

Farmer George – International vinder fra Bordeaux (Agen)
Farm Boy – topflyver og far og bedstefar til mange topduer.
George vinder af 1st NFC Tarbes. Far, bedstefar og oldefar til fantastisk mange topduer. Topresultater er opnået både på eget slag – men også hos mange brevduekammerater.

Ligesom alle andre gamle duer på slaget i  Peasedown St John blev Wollongong kapfløjet på totalsystemet. Forud for kapflyvningen fra Pau har hun – ligesom slagets andre gamle duer –   haft 3 kapflyvninger fra indlandet inden hun blev sendt over kanalen. Selvfølgelig har Geoff og Catherine nu fået en passion for at deltage i de internationale kapflyvninger. Duerne holdes i form med to gange dagligt motion omkring slaget. De fodres med forskellige Versele Laga blandinger med majs. Men desuden får de hamp og frøblandinger individuelt i reden. Slagets metoder og slagledelse er så simpel, som overhovedet muligt. Og iflg. Geoff og Catherine er det duerne på slaget som er specielle kvalitetsmæssigt – og som altså opnår mange topresultater.

Succes på andre slag.
For mange er den sande test af en duestamme, hvad de kan opnå af resultater, når de kapflyves på andre slag. Her udmærker Cooper duerne sig også med følgende resultater:

1st International Dax, 2. Internationale Plage Bordeaux for Mark Gilbert.
1. Grand National Pau til Harding Bros
“Morning Glory” 2 x 2. nationale Pau til Paul Kendal
1. Nationale Saintes for Stan Dangerfield
1st Classic Pau til Witney og Reed
2 x 2. nationale for Richard boylin
1. Nationale Tarbes til Paul Kendal
7th National Tarbes for Paul Kendal
1st National Carentan for J & D Staddon
1. Classic Messac for A & S Thompson

På nuværende tidspunkt står Geoff og Catherine Cooper højt blandt eliten af ​​internationale brevduefolk. Deres slags placering i den vestlige del af Storbritannien, er langt fra ideel for at opnå succes i den indenlandske konkurrence men alene på den internationale scene. Men på trods af dette er de 2 gange blevet internationale vindere på grund af en team af fantastiske duer. Geoff & Catherine Cooper nyeste internationale sejr placerer dem i en unik position i Europæisk International brevduesport. De kan parre to internationale vindere sammen – avle videre med dem – ja hvilken verdensklasse parring! Men Coopers er ikke færdig endnu, de håber, at mange flere internationale vindere vil blive spottet på vej til hjemmet over bakkerne i Somerset i en ikke alt for fjern fremtid.

Geoff og Catherine Cooper – Internationale vindere 2 gange.

Geoff & Catherine Cooper – in topul clasamentelor din UK deja de doua decenii !!!

“George” – 1 National Tarbes ( cea mai prestigioasa cursa din Anglia )

Geoff si Catherine Cooper , domiciliati in localitatea Peasedown St John din Vestul Anglei , zboara porumbei de multi ani, si tot de atatia ani sunt campioni .

In 2011 , castigarea locului 1 International Bordeaux , cu 45 de minute avans !!!!!! si apoi adjudecarea si locului 2 International cu “Shiraz” , le-a adus recunoasterea internationala .

Anul acesta a fost din nou un an exceptional pentru porumbeii Fam Cooper . Zburand din Vestul Angliei , unde intotdeauna vantul bate din fata , favorizand columbofilii din Vest , Fam Cooper reuseste sa castige in 2012 , 6 locuri de 1 la nivel Interprovincial .La nivel International , in cadrul curselor internationale, unde majoritatea porumbeilor se indreapta catre Est , in Belgia , Olanda , Germania , porumbeii Cooper s-au descurcat de asemenea extraordinar. De 6 ori locul 1 Interprovincial , de la distante de aproape 1000 km ,cu vant din fata si cu ultimii km parcursi peste canalul manecii . Porumbeii Cooper trebuie sa fie extrem de duri si de rapizi pentru a realiza asemenea performante !!!

Unul dintre porumbeii de top din volierele Cooper , este “Misty” ( Ceata ) :

In prima etapa a sezonului “Misty” a ocupat locul 5 Provincial de la 70 km,aceasta fiind prima si ultima cursa pana la traversarea canalului. Sase saptamani mai tarziu a castigat locul 5 Provincial de la 630 km , iar la doar 3 saptamani dupa aceasta performanta a castigat locul 10 International St Vincent , fiind singura pasare sosita in prima zi , din toata partea de Vest a Angliei .

Un alt zburator de top din volierele Cooper este “Scotty” care in 2011 a castigat locul 1 Provincial Falais si locul 12 National Fougeres. In 2012 , “Scotty” a castigat de 2 ori locul 1 Provincial , locul 5 Agen National de la 840 km , si dupa 4 saptamani locul 9 National Bordeaux de la aprox 900 km. In aceste doua curse de maraton a zburat doar cu vant din fata, fata de concurentii sai care au zburat cu 250 km spre Est, logic cu vant din spate .

Tatal lui “Scotty” este “GeorgeSon” (Fiul lui George) , fiul celebrului “George” = 1 National Tarbes . “george” este de asemenea bunicul  lui “Farmer George” – 1 International Bordeaux 2011 !!! Acest scurt sumar ne arata cum “Scotty” a castigat pana acum de 3 ori locul 1 Provincial in curse extrem de dure , dar palamresul sau total este dea dreptul impresionant .

Un alt porumbel de top este femela “Georgia” care anul acesta a castigat locul 1 Provincial Pau si 22 National .Aceasta a fost zburata ca pui , nezburata ca yearling si din nou zburata la 2 ani .La randul sau este reprodusa din cele mai bune linii ale familiei Cooper. Tatal sau este “Blue Legend” , un fiu al celebrului “Legend” – 1 International Dax , iar mama sa este “777″ , o fiica din “George” – 1 National Tarbes si bunicul lui “Farmer George” (Fermierul George) – 1 International Bordeaux !!! Ce pedigree superb !!! Porumbeii de top se trag din porumbei de top !!!

“Bro Farmer Boy”

Un alt porumbel de top este “Bro Farmer Boy ” care a castigat in 2012 locul 1 Interprovincial Tours , si peste 6 saptamani , s-a clasat pe locul 6 Interprovincial Barcelona . Acesta este un frate bun cu “Farmer Boy” , super zburator si in acelasi timp tatal lui “Farmer George” – 1 International Bordeaux !!!

“Daybreak Junior” a castigat locul 2 Semi National Barcelona ( Vestul Angliei ) intr-un weekend extrem de ploios in care mare parte din coasta de vest a Marii Britanii a fost practic devastata de intemperii .

Aceste scurte relatari va pot contura o imagine asupra conditiilor in care zboara porumbeii Cooper , dar in acelasi timp  va formeaza o imagine despre duritatea acestei linii . trebuie de asemenea mentionat ca partea de Vest cu care acestia participa la concursuri este mai mare decat Belgia.Ca un porumbel sa castige curse Internationale din Vestul Angliei trebuie sa se rupa de stol inca de la lansare , altfel nu are absolut nici o sansa impotriva pasarilor din Estul Angliei.

Porumbeii Cooper sunt cu adevarat o linie,o linie deja stabila genetic . Absolut toti marii campioni si reproducatori sunt inruditi intre ei,lucru usor de observat in orice pedigree al familiei Cooper. Geoff practica o consangvinizare foarte apropiata , dar in fiecare an incearca sa introduca porumbei noi , pentru a nu pierde vitalitatea porumbeilor sai . Cu toate acestea extrem de putine importuri s-au ridicat la nivelul porumbeilor sai , si au ramas in volierele sale .

Article by Keith Mott on Elimar


by Keith Mott

Cameron at Elimar has asked me for my top ten pigeons that I have come across in my 45 years writing in the fancy press. A very hard request to fulfil! I went through thousands of pigeon photographs in my archive files and came up with nearly 80 ‘once in a lifetime’ champion pigeons. There are probably more in there, but as always, Keith has done his best! The result after a month of hard thought has come down to twelve champions of the champions and to be honest I would not like to pull two of them out of the line up, so it will be my best dozen. In these very special articles I’ve included pictures of the pigeons and short stories about their lives and successes. I have lined them up in no particular order or preference, as I do not want to offend anybody and I hope my readers enjoy my choices! Here’s Part 2.

CH. ‘GEORGE’ – Geoff & Catherine Cooper of Peasedown St. John


To start this our second article we are featuring a premier West Country partnership who must rate as one of the biggest names in the sport of pigeon racing, Geoff and Catherine Cooper of Peasedown St. John. Several years ago, Peter Taylor and I made the 120 mile drive down to the Cooper’s Somerset home to get a first-hand look at the latest champions and their wonderful new 85ft loft. Most fanciers are reluctant to change their loft, or indeed anything in it when the birds are racing well, but Geoff and Catherine built their magnificent new loft at the end of 2007 and then came out in 2008 and won two National races, including 1st open in the most prestigious race in the U.K., the NFC Tarbes Grand National. The 2008 season was one of their best ever, winning a massive list of premier prizes, including 1st, 6th, 12th, 18th, 22nd, 33rd section, 1st, 8th, 15th, 27th, 36th, 63rd open BICC Falaise, 4th, 60th, 61st open CSCFC Messac, 27th, 28th open CSCFC Bergerac, 21st, 24th open CSCFC Lessay, 1st, 8th, 36th, 37th section, 1st, 20th open NFC Tarbes Grand National, 27th, 68th open NFC Saintes, 13th, 19th open BBC Poitiers, plus many other wins in club, Federation and Combine. Over the years Geoff and Catherine have developed their own family of world class long distance pigeon and have won: 1st open Bordeaux International (by 45 minutes clear), 1st open Pau International (by 32 minutes clear), 1st Pau International Hens, six times 1st open National, plus over sixty times 1st Sections.

Although the Coopers have a big new loft, they only keep a very moderate size team of pigeons and when we handled them we could tell they were a true family being mostly blue and dark chequers, and all being the same stamp in the hand. I must say that although they were still in the moult they were in brilliant condition and a real credit to Geoff and Catherine. The highlight of the loft visit for me was handling Champion ‘George’, the 2008 Tarbes Grand National winner and he was above medium in the hand with wonderful silky feather. I think the wonderful feather quality was one of the major factors with the Cooper’s pigeons, which was really exceptional! Champion ‘George’ is bred from the very best Cooper / Deweerdt bloodlines and has won a list of prizes including: 1st open NFC Tarbes (4035 birds), 42nd National Saran, 30th BBC National Carlisle, 1st HLFC, 2nd section, 102nd National Bordeaux, 17th section, 150th Classic Cholet, 18th section, 207th National Tarbes, plus two RPRA Awards. A fantastic champion! His sire is a brother to Champion ‘JW’, winner of 1st open BICC National Falaise, both being out of Geoff’s great old premier racer and breeder, ‘Titch’. On his dam’s side, Champion ‘George’ is bred down from the Emiel Deweerdt champion ‘Emiel’, winner of 1st open International Bordeaux / Dax (9493 birds). Champion ‘George’ is now in the stock loft and is a very prolific breeder, being the sire, grandsire and great grandsire of many world class long distance racers. He is grandsire of Champion ‘Farmer George’, winner of: 2011: 1st open International Bordeaux (22,029 birds) and in the 2014 season another grandson, ‘Farmer Sparey’, won 1st West of England Combine Bordeaux. ‘George’ is now one of the principal breeders at Geoff and Catherine Cooper’s loft and is also responsible for 2nd International Yearlings Bordeaux. A fantastic champion racer and breeder!

Euro Diamond Presentation 2013 Season.

On Saturday March 15th we arrived in Brugges in time for dinner at the hotel where the Euro Diamond presentation was taking place the following day.  We had to meet the other Euro Diamond winners after breakfast for a trip to Brugges.  When Frans Vanwildemeersch said a couple of Limo’s would be taking us to Brugges we weren’t expecting two large black stretch Limo’s.  As we piled inside the limo, Fran’s daughter who accompanied us opened the bottles of Champagne and we started the day’s celebrations at 11am!!

Geoff and FVW Euro Diamond

Catherine and French friends 1

After a boat trip around Brugges and a visit to the Civic Hall and some more Champagne we headed back to a reception on the beautiful lawn of the hotel, followed by the meal and presentation in the Hotel.  The list of prizewinners was like a “whose who” of pigeon racing in Europe and we were honoured to be amongst them.  Everyone made us very welcome, being the only English fanciers among so many can be a little daunting but we were greeted like old friends.

Euro Diamond presentation

                              2013 PAU INTERNATIONAL PRESENTATION

At 5.45 am on 14th June 2013 342 British pigeons entered by 101 members of the BICC were liberated to contest the 2013 Pau International race competing against 8,527 pigeons entered by the cream of continental fanciers from all over Europe. Although the weather conditions throughout the race route were perfect, with clear skies and a light north easterly breeze giving the convoy a slight “nudge” up the western coast of France, little did we imagine what a terrific success it would be for the UK entry.
By the end of the first day of the race UK fanciers had clocked pigeons to take 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 8th,16th, 24th,34th,63rd & 68th Open International. A truly remarkable set of performances put up by the seven fanciers concerned.
The fanciers involved were as follows:- Geoff and Catherine Cooper whose birds finished at 1st, 8th & 16th Open International, followed by Darren and father Des Mc Fadden at 2nd Open with Mark Gilbert in at 3rd &34th Open International. Colin Draper of Yalding timed for 4th Open with Derek Doyle’s timer taking 24th Open and the ever present David Hales of Hockley in at 63rd Open. Next we come to the pigeon flying to the most westerly location in the International convoy – this game pigeon was entered by none other than Terry and Carol Gardner of Portskewett in Wales and finished at 68th Open International.

The presentation to the Pau International prize winners took place in Brussels on Remembrance weekend 9th November and a very happy group of BICC members attended. The following is BICC President, John Tyerman’s report on the festivities:-

“BICC Officials were ecstatic when we received the unbelievable news that our members had taken the first four open positions in the highly prestigious 2013, Pau International flying against many thousands of pigeons from the cream of European lofts. This outstanding feat had never previously been accomplished and immediately ensured that the BICC and winning members were very firmly placed on the worldwide International racing pigeon map.

The International winners were our top fanciers Geoff and Catherine Cooper from Peasdown St John, followed by Des and Darren McFadden from Cranleigh, Surrey who were 2nd open, then our International superstar Mark Gilbert who took 3rd open. The fourth prize was won by Colin Draper.
In the days immediately following the race, all of the winners were quite overwhelmed with congratulations and offers to purchase the successful pigeons coming from all over the world. I am pleased to say that all of the winning birds have remained with their UK owners, despite very large monetary offers.

The presentation evening for this highly prestigious event was held in Brussels on Saturday, 9th November, 2013, and Geoff and Catherine Cooper, Darren, and his lovely wife, Jo McFadden along with BICC Secretary Carol Francis had made the trip using the ‘Eurostar’. BICC President John Tyerman and his wife Linda were also in attendance and had taken good friend Ian Crammond with them as he was keen to attend the International Presentation. The RPRA was also represented by President David Higgins and his wife along with Vice President Richard Carlton and his good lady.
The venue was a Sports Centre on the outskirts of the City that was beautifully laid out by a firm of professional caterers and the food and service was worthy of 5 stars. Around 350 people were in attendance and on arrival the British party were individually introduced and welcomed by the ex -President’s wife and family. Sadly the President of La Colombe Joyeuse, Mr. Danny Van Bael had died in July, and his wife and family bravely decided to continue running the presentation. He was by all accounts a man of great character and an outstanding President who will be sadly missed – a very moving tribute was paid to him by his family and friends.

As is usual with these presentations they go on for several hours, with some trophies being presented between the various food courses. When it came to the winners presentation, and the playing of our ‘National Anthem’, there was a standing ovation for the Cooper’s and Geoff was visibly moved when he held the ‘prestigious bull horns’ aloft to massive applause. Darren and his wife Jo received an equally enthusiastic reception when they went to collect their ‘haul’ of trophies for being 2nd Open but sadly his Dad and racing partner Des McFadden, was too ill to attend. I know he is justifiably proud of Darren’s performances in recent times. All in all the British lifted a massive haul of superb trophies and it was fortunate that the President had driven to Brussels and had a car there to take them all home safely to the UK.
On behalf of the RPRA, President David Higgins made a surprise presentation to Geoff and Catherine – a gift of a beautiful clock to commemorate their Pau performance. The BICC would like to thank the RPRA for this gesture. As is usual the ladies all received individual gifts from the La Colombe Joyeusse.

Our party were staying in the Van Der Valk Hotel over the weekend where we spent a very pleasant Saturday evening in the bar reflecting on a memorable day. We had a very special weekend thanks to the courtesy and kindness of the Officials of La Colombe Joyeusse who made us all very welcome. On behalf of the BICC our sincere and special thanks go to Mrs. Van Bael, her lovely daughter and son in law Luc – it was indeed a weekend to remember.”

So it seems that the British pigeons are now getting the recognition they deserve from our Continental cousins. Top fanciers wherever they originate, appreciate top class performances, wherever they are achieved, and that’s the beauty of racing on the International stage. Congratulations one and all from this Press Officer. I am immensely proud and honoured to be associated with you all.
Gareth Watkins

1st & 2nd Open Pau International Geoff & Catherine Cooper and Darran & Jo McFadden

1st Open International Pau Geoff & Catherine Cooper

Carol Francis BICC secy along with Catherine Cooper, Geoff Cooper and John and Linda Tyerman

Darran Jo Mc Fadden


Geoff & Catherine Cooper (Peasedown St John – UK) wint 1ste internationale PAU tegen 8.527 duiven



Het internationale vluchtseizoen is het voorbije weekend van start gegaan met de vlucht vanuit Pau, ingericht door Colome Joyeuse. Winnaar werden Geoff & Catherine Cooper, Peasedown St John (Uk)

Geoff en zijn vrouw Catherine Cooper wonen in Peasedown St. John, in het Zuid-westen van het Verenigd Koninkrijk. Sinds meer dan 25 jaar staan ze aan de top van het duivengebeuren aldaar. Eerst op de inlandse vluchten, maar later, omdat regionaal alles gewonnen werd wat er te winnen was, ook op de nationale vluchten. Hun specialiteit zijn de vluchten over de Noordzee. Aangezien daar nagenoeg steeds een stevige kopwind waait, kan je hier enkel met een zeer sterk duivenras goede prestaties neerzetten.


Het begon allemaal begin jaren 80. Twee stevige Belgische rassen verhuisden naar de hokken van Geoff en Catherine: Deweerdt en Vermote. 2 zeer sterke rassen. Bedoeling was met deze rassen de basis te leggen van duiven die onklopbaar waren op de vluchten van 1.000 km, doch zonder in te boeten aan snelheid, zodat ze ook hun mannetje kunnen staan op de kortere afstanden.

Zo kwamen o.a. volgende duiven richting Peasedown:

  • Een dochter van Liesbet, 2de internationaal Barcelona
  • Een zoon van Spiritus, 1ste nationaal Cahors
  • Een dochter van Filip, 4de nationaal Cahors
  • 3 kinderen van Emiel, 1ste internationaal Bordeaux

Het duurde niet lang of deze aanwinsten zorgend voor een duivenstam die vooral bij warm weer, met wind op kop, zeer knappa resultaten konden neerzetten.

Nu, in 2013 vormen bovenstaande duiven nog steeds de basis van de vliegduiven.

Champion George GB 04 N27849 , a top racer and breeder!

Champion J.W. GB 03 N01374, won nationaal vanop 320km en een 9de nationaal vanop 800km. Hij is een zoon van Titch, een topkweker!

Titch, een topkweker en een kleinzoon van de originele aankopen Deweerdt / Vermotte

Bordeaux 2011

Met de internationale overwinning vanuit Pau zijn Geoff & Catherine Cooper niet aan hun internationale proefstuk toe. in 2011 werd de 1ste internationaal Bordeaux gewonnen tegen 10.611 oude duiven met “Farmer Georges”. Hij was tevens de snelste van alle 22.028 deelnemende duiven en maar liefst 45 minuten voorsprong! “Farm Boy” won als klap op de vuurpijl de 2de internationaal bi !

“Farmer George”, winnaar van de 1ste internationaal Bordeaux 2011

Pau 2013

Pau werd gewonnen door “Wollongong” GB 10-N2648, een zeer mooi duivinnetje. Ze werd gespeeld als jonge duif. Vervolgens kreeg ze een jaartje rust om dan als 2-jaarse terug gespeeld te worden. En na haar internationale overwinning, verhuist ze opnieuw naar het kweekhok.


Ondertussen heeft ze ook al een mooie palmares bij elkaar gevlogen. Zo won ze ook al de 4de nat. Tours (639 duiven) en de 35ste nat. Bicc Pau.

Naast “Wollongong” waren er ook nog 2 andere steenvroege duiven bij Cooper. Zo won “Georgia Jean” GB-10 N2636 de 8ste intarnationaal Pau en “Carla Page” GB 11-Z41421, de 16de internationaal Pau.

Of samengevat tegen 8.527 oude duiven werd het: 1, 8, 16!


 “Carla Page.  

Article Courtesy of



Geoff and Catherine clocked a chequer white flight hen called Wollongong at 17.12.21 to win 1st International Pau. She is also flown widowhood.

Her sire was bred by Clive Lister, being a grandson of “Euro Diamond” and “Marseille King” and her dam is “Gina” a half sister to “George” 1st National FC Tarbes etc.

“Wollongong” was raced as a young bird and was 1st club Exeter, 1st club 4th National Tours, 10th G sect. National St Malo, not raced as a yearling and won 3rd National section from Pau International last year.

She is named “Wollongong” after their friend Alan Kerr’s home town of Wollongong in Australia. Alan watched her win 4th National Tours on a visit to the UK.  She will now be retired to stock and most likely paired to Farmer George winner of 1st International Bordeaux in 2011.

Stefan Mertens Courtesy of

HomeRacing SeasonChampionships2011 International › UK Fanciers celebrate with the Bordeaux Télévie organisation in Europe!

UK Fanciers celebrate with the Bordeaux Télévie organisation in Europe!

Early Saturday morning Geoff Cooper and his wife Catherine, along with Mark Gilbert made the journey over to Verviers in Belgium to attend the prize presentation and collect their trophies for the fantastic International race they had from Agen with the Bordeaux Televie organisation.

As most know, the UK had a brilliant race from Agen with 1st and 2nd  Old Birds won by Geoff and Catherine Cooper and 1st and 2nd Yearlings International was won by Mark Gilbert.  Mark also won 1st, 2nd and 3rd Hens and 3rd old birds.  This result was backed up by several other UK fanciers who were well up in the old bird result, showing that once again, given the right circumstances, the UK can compete with the best in Europe. The Bordeaux Télévie also organise the Narbonne International, this was won by Etienne Meirlaen who is one of the top long distance fanciers in Belgium.


The secretary of Bordeaux Télévie Henri Hanlet, booked the English fanciers into a lovely hotel a five minute walk away from the presentation.  They were joined at the hotel by Pieter Oberholster who works hard promoting the UK fanciers and their birds on the world stage, he was also attending the presentation.  Yvan Eeckhout the secretary of the Entente Belg and his wife Brigitte joined the British fanciers in their celebrations.  Yvan has been a long time supporter of British International racing, he was instrumental in helping to organise the NFC’s participation in International racing. Along with Yvan and Brigitte, Frank and Julie Howard who now race and live in Belgium joined the UK party and a good night was enjoyed by all.  The five course dinner was perfect, with venison as the main course and a lovely chocolate cake with ice cream to finish.

The British fanciers were warmly welcomed by the officials of Bordeaux Télévie, Henri Hanlet and the President Gilbert Wauthier and by the other Belgium fanciers. The trophies received were beautiful large glass vases, very unusual and very appreicated. Geoff, Catherine and Mark  were joined in their celebrations by Etienne Meirlaen who they all knew from previous visits to Belgium, in fact in the winter Geoff, Catherine and Mark visited Etienne and were photographed together, then later that season all three of them won 1st International.  They had their photo’s taken together again, not that any of them are superstitious but…

Philip Herbots came and congratulated the British fanciers and reminisced about dancing with Catherine at Blackpool over twenty years ago. Many drinks later it was time to go back to the hotel where after a few more drinks Mark and Pieter decided to hit the town, at dawn they tumbled back into the hotel, and after breakfast, Catherine had to once again dispense the painkillers all round! At lunchtime it was time for Mark, Geoff and Catherine to head back to the UK, so they said goodbye to Pieter and vowed they would all try again next year to fly the flag for the UK.  Let’s hope Dave and Wicki Bullen have a good time when they receive their trophy for their fantastic win from Pau International.  2011 must go down and the best year for UK International results, lets hope more fanciers take up this challenge, there are ups and down as in all types of racing but the “ups”…they are unbelievable!!!


A Visit from “Down Under”!

Recently a group of Australian fanciers met up with some local fanciers at the home of Geoff and Catherine Cooper.  Warren March, Dave Buxton and Keith Brumfield arrived at Heathrow airport on Thursday morning then travelled to Mark Gilbert’s to take a look at his superb team of birds.  Leaving at lunchtime they headed West to Geoff and Catherine Cooper’s where they spent the afternoon looking at the many National winners in their stock loft. They had previously purchased birds from Geoff Cooper and Mark Gilbert and were over here to spend a few days visiting some of the top lofts in the UK and then over to Belgium for more of the loft visits. In the evening they were joined by Ken Hillier and Clive and Jill Rogers for a few drinks and some food – did I say a few drinks!!! An interesting evening was spent discussing the different ways in which the birds are raced, in Australia the emphasis is on racing hens on a type of roundabout system.  It was quite amusing to hear the Australians querying whether or not it is okay to breed when the temperature is below 18 degrees.  The same teams of pigeons in Australia have to race North and South, similar to how they race in many other countries. They have as many different strains and varieties of pigeons down under as we do over here in the UK. They also have their share of fads and theories, some we agreed with and some we did not, it all makes for interesting conversation. At the moment the Gaby Vandenabeele’s seem to be the flavour of the month. They race in late winter and early spring.  Surprisingly they find that the birds are not bothered with high temperatures.  When it is over 30 degrees the birds will be out in the aviaries or on the loft roof sunning themselves, they could go inside for shade but they choose not to.  The Australian fanciers keenly follow all the news from Europe via Pipa, in fact Warren was getting withdrawal symptoms and had to keep logging on via my laptop to see how some of the auctions were going.  After a long evening with rather too much food and good wine it was off to bed, they had endured a very long day and were really tired.  Next morning – panic – Warrens suitcase was on it’s way up to London with a coach full of French school children, as four French girls had been staying at Geoff and Catherine’s for a few nights.  We quickly phoned the organiser and told her what had happened, then just as we were about to send him up the Charity shop to kit him out with some “new“ clothes, the message came through that they had found the case and the coach was dropping the case off at the services on the M4.  It took some convincing the organiser that it wasn’t an April Fool’s joke. As our friends from “Down Under” were on their way up to York to visit Brian Denny and Clive Lister it wasn’t too much of a detour to pick up the case on the way.  After visiting York they were going to make their way over to Belgium to visit some of the top fanciers over there, and deliver a painting of Euro Diamond that I have painted for hans Brockamp.  Guy Bearts kindly said he would look after it until Hans can collect it from him – thanks Guy. After a hectic week, they return to England and Heathrow and fly home to Australia.  It was an enjoyable but brief visit and an interesting insight into racing “Down Under”.

Dave Buxton, Keith Brumfield, Warren March on a visit from Auastralia with Geoff in the loft.





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